Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Day 2

"Health is a relationship between you and your body."

Today was better than yesterday, but I know I can still do better.  I didn't sleep in as late, but slept in late enough to throw off my schedule, yet again.  Since we're all home on vacation right now, my routine has been turned upside down.  I had an Arbonne party at my girlfriend's house at 7pm, so I knew I needed to get in my meals before I left.  

Breakfast was late, I combined breakfast and lunch into one meal.  I mixed green onions and green peppers together and sauteed with a drizzle of olive oil.  Next, I tossed in some black beans until they were hot.  I cooked two eggs over medium, and served the with fresh avocado slices and a fresh tomato.  I must admit, it was really yummy...I highly recommend trying this meal.  I also had an apple with a tbsp of almond butter for spreading on the slices.

I made an afternoon run to the store for some more fresh foods.  Note, you will need to shop several times a week while detoxing.  Veggies only stay fresh for so long, so you can't bulk buy them like you can with boxed foods.  However, frozen is a nice option as well, and since they are flash frozen a the the peak of ripeness (I sound like a commercial), they have all the good stuff still in them.  I haven't met a frozen vegetable I didn't like, though I prefer fresh whenever possible.  I grabbed some organic mushrooms, spinach, bananas, apples, frozen brown rice (TJ's has a great one), free range eggs, and some things for the family: milk, bread, yogurt, etc.  They aren't detoxing with me.  We are, however, eating healthy as a family.  I have every intention of returning wheat and dairy to my diet, assuming my body agrees.  They will eat what is here, so as long as only healthy foods are in the house, they benefit as well.

I made an early dinner consisting of a turkey breast (made an extra for later), with fresh thyme, rosemary, and garlic; organic brown rice, and steamed broccoli.  I started the turkey on the stove, then moved it to the oven.  It produced some wonderful juices that I poured over the turkey and rice.

Turkey cooking in oven.

Dinner is served.

After dinner I topped off my meal with an apple and some yummy dip.  I made the dip by combining almond butter, Figure 8 Fiber Boost, and Figure 8 Vanilla Protein Powder.  People, it tasted like candy but without all the processed sugar and chemicals that candy contains...a total win-win for me.

The rest of the evening was food free.  I had some detox tea during my Arbonne party and water.

I had a pretty gnarly headache last night and eventually just went to bed.  When I woke up, it was gone.  I've heard that headaches are common when starting a detox.  My body is learning to get by without all the crap it's been getting, and letting go of the toxins for elimination.  I suppose this means that a headache means it's working...though I'm really looking forward a few days to the end of those.  

Until tomorrow....

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